Gulf Coast Petrochemical Buildout Draws Billions in Tax Breaks Despite Pollution Violations A new report by the Environmental Integrity Project compiled data on every U.S. plastics plant built, expanded or proposed since 2012, revealing massive growth in Texas. By Dylan Baddour
‘Nobody Really Knows What You’re Supposed to Do’: Leaking, Abandoned Wells Wreak Havoc in West Texas By Martha Pskowski, Inside Climate News and Carlos Nogueras, Texas Tribune
After Fighting a Landfill Expansion, Houston Residents Await EPA Consideration of Stricter Methane Regulations By Keaton Peters
After Another Year of Record-Breaking Heat, a Heightened Focus on Public Health By Victoria St. Martin
Companies in Texas Exploit ‘Loopholes,’ Attribute 1 Million Pounds of Air Pollution to Recent Freezing Weather By Dylan Baddour, Inside Climate News, and Alejandra Martinez, Texas Tribune
‘Major’ Problem in Texas: How Big Polluters Evade Federal Law and Get Away With It By Dylan Baddour, Martha Pskowski, Inside Climate News; and Alejandra Martinez, Texas Tribune
Worried About Safety, a Small West Texas Town Challenges Planned Cross-Border Pipeline By Martha Pskowski, Inside Climate News, and Alejandra Martinez, the Texas Tribune
Thousands of Oil and Gas Wastewater Spills Threaten Property, Groundwater, Wildlife and Livestock Across Texas By Martha Pskowski