Pro Tip Tuesday: Encouraging Your Supporters To Use Givelify
The Givelify mobile giving app is a wonderful tool to boost giving to your organization. But in order to get the most out of your Givelify presence, your supporters must make use of the technology.
How can you ensure that people use Givelify to make donations to your nonprofit or place of worship? We have some tips that will steer you in the right direction.
Show Our Video Demonstration
Our 90 second video demonstration will get your supporters excited about giving. To announce your new Givelify presence and educate people on how to use the mobile giving app, simply get this video in front of your audience.
Show the video during service. Project it onscreen at a nonprofit fundraising event. Share the link on your social media accounts. Use whatever means you typically communicate with your supporters to get the message across.
Spread the Word in Person and Online
Sharing the video demonstration is very helpful, but you don’t have to stop there. You can spread the word about your new Givelify mobile giving app in a variety of ways. Try talking about Givelify:
- in your e-mail newsletter
- in your bulletin or event handouts
- on your website
- on social media
Don’t forget to remind your supporters during each worship service or nonprofit fundraising event. The more they hear about Givelify from a trusted source like you, the more likely they are to give the technology a try.
Use Our Print Materials
One great way to get the word out to your supporters is to use our How To slips and other promotional materials. You can make these items available during your fundraiser or worship service.
These items give details on how to download the Givelify mobile giving app and make a donation.
You can download various print materials on the Givelify Launchpad:
Print Materials for Places of Worship