New Givelify App Demo Video
Giving feels good. Taking the action of supporting the organizations you love with your money–whether it’s a little or a lot–is crucial to continuing their mission. Whatever causes you support, the Givelify app allows you to donate to them easily and cheerfully.
How does Givelify work? How does it help? Why should you use it?
To help answer those questions, we’ve added a new demo video of the Givelify app.
This version is directed toward donating to churches, who’ve been our limited public beta group. For churches, Givelify empowers their parishoners to show their financial support wherever they are, whenever they choose. For donors, it allows you to support your home church or other favorite churches through tithing or offerings for specific fundraising campaigns.
Once the app is opened up to nonprofits and other groups, you can expect to see another version targeted toward them.
But in the meantime, enjoy–and feel free to embed/share!