Ready, Set, Give! Givelify Mobile Giving App for Nonprofits
Since December 3, 2013, the Givelify mobile giving app has put the power to do good right in the palm of your hand.
Now you’ve got a power-up: the Givelify app for iPhone, iPad and Android is updated so you can now donate to nonprofit organizations.
We’ve been testing and re-testing to bring you the easiest, most beautiful giving experience possible.
Now It’s Up To You
You have the power to change the world three taps at a time. Even if your favorite charitable organization isn’t signed up you can still donate to them with Givelify.
Once you update the mobile giving app, search for any charity anywhere in the U.S. by name and city, state, or zip code and make a donation. We’re sure once they see how easy it is to raise funds with Givelify, they’ll come on board.
You can also view nearby charities on a map based on your location. Simply tap “Nearby” and nonprofits in your area will appear. Tap the icon to see their app page and donate.
- Search for nonprofits
- Map view
- Select a nonprofit
Nonprofit Mobile Giving App Examples
Here are just a few of the charitable organizations who have already signed up and set up their mobile giving app profiles.
- Amena Inc., Florissant, MO
- Girls On the Run of Central Indiana, Fishers, IN
- Bandit’s Resort Animal Defense Society, Hot Desert Springs, CA
- Center of Life, Pittsburgh, PA
- Inspired Kids, Indianapolis, IN
- Thompson Child & Family Focus, Matthews, NC
Other nonprofits signed up include:
- Boys & Girls Club, Hood County, TX
- Secret Families Christmas Charity, Muncie, IN
- Given a Chance, Florissant, MO
- BJ’s House of Hope, Philadelphia, PA
- Henry Sibley Choir Boosters, West St. Paul, MN